Monday, November 7, 2011

What are people in this world missing?

When I think about people today, I realize that many people are missing something. A Core.
In the old days, people used to have integrity, values, honesty, consistency, and a lot of other things of course.

Our landlord said he would show up at noon the next day. He showed up at 2pm. After walking around for a half hour and talking and mumbling, and trying to change the subject, he said he would have to come by tomorrow. He didn't have the material to do the job.

He came the next day. Half hour late. Left. Forgot the material. Came back 2 hours later. brought the material into our house, down to the basement. When we went downstairs to look, he was gone again. My wife called to see where he was, he said he didn't have time to do the work today, he would have to come back on Saturday, 3 days away.

When he came back, he was supposed to show up at 8am, so of course he was there at noon-thirty. He opened the gate, turned around and went back to his truck. Thinking again, he came over to me and told me he left his tools, he had spent the night at his girlfriend's house. An hour later he was back, but when I let him in I noticed he didn't have any tools in his hands. He said, "All my tools I need are downstairs."

This guy did eventually finish the job. He had to put a machine in and then come back and replace it 5 times, because the machine leaked, so I kind of felt sorry for him. This guy was 60 years old, too, so I really don't understand where his values were coming from, but he was retired and old.

What's sad is that there are lots of younger people who have no excuse whatsoever, who act this way and make these same kinds of decisions everyday because they do not know any better.

This is what people are missing today. People do not have a spiritual side. They do not have integrity or a conscience. We carry around the weight of the world and have a great sense of guilt because we also have a great sense of duty. We believe we owe something to the world, we are here to give something back.

What are people in this world missing today ? A sense of self and a sense of being, a sense of why we are here, and what humanity can do.

Update [12/10/2011]:

Recently, thinking about why children these days lack a foundation, community support, rules, structure, et. al., I realized this is all a result of our capitalist society's goals.
George Orwell predicted that the world would continually gradually fall from grace. Revelation also, predicts that as society progresses, and capitalism and Big Business focus on efficiency and convenience for their customers to buy their products, consumers will focus more on getting products and society's mores will be centered more around getting and using products then on moral responsibilities.

Big Business wants you to forget about the 7 deadly sins, and buy buy buy !

Pride is excessive belief in one's own abilities. Pride is also known as Vanity.

Envy is the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation.

Gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires.

Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body.

Anger is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Wrath.

Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain. It is the sin of coveting what other people have.

Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work.

Where we the makeup industry and cologne and perfume companies be without Pride?
If it weren't for Envy and Greed, we would be happy with what we have. Gluttony is using more than you need to use, as opposed to having more than you need. Where would the porn industry be without Lust?
Greed, obviously. Big Business still counts on people being Slothful. If we had to get up off the couch to get on Amazon or Ebay, we'd be in serious trouble. Big Business is thriving on our sinful nature.

For years, for the last 2 generations at least, lawyers and business have been trying to get rid of all the regulations and red tape. Bureaucracy was their bane, they wanted to be totally rid of all those rules that were just there for rules sake. So, there were years and years where someone was constantly breaking down the laws and rules so we didn't have to follow those any more.

Typical rebellion attitude started it all, but it didn't turn out the way we planned. We didn't like saying the Pledge of Allegiance in school. 10 years later, they're passing a law saying you don't have to say the Pledge of Allegiance in school. All we wanted was to not have to follow the rules. The Pledge of Allegiance we all respected, we just wanted to have a choice about saying it.

That "box" that I grew up in, it kept me in line, it was like Jiminy Cricket being on my shoulder, only my conscious was like having someone beside me all the time judging my behavior.

Many people today wonder what is missing from their lives, but they can't figure out what. When you have to follow rules and regulations and guidelines and listen to your elders then you have to work harder to communicate and to finish the any work you try to do.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


We love celebrities, they're like Superheroes to us, .... sometimes.

Paris Hilton says she's ready for a baby, now. Not, ready to be a parent, of course.
but hey, what teenager wouldn't agree ?

Billy Ray says Miley Cyrus is out of control, he is afraid of the crowd she hangs out with. She looks like she has grown up, wait how old is she again ?

Charlie Sheen. What happened ? Wait, that's been going on for years hasn't it ? Like Robert
Downey Jr in reverse. I'M A ROCKSTAR ! aren't we all, YEEHAAAWWWW ! really ?

The Judge told Lindsay Lohan that if she comes in front of him again, which she is supposed to
do in 30 days or so, he is sending her to jail no matter how many times her or her lawyer says 'let's make a deal'. Millionaire shoplifting - is that a channel on YouTube yet ?

How did we go from Charlie Sheen to Lindsey Lohan ? natural progression actually.

We wonder why kids these days are killing their parents and classmates, doing drugs and stealing. When we were kids we researched how to spread Anarchy and the benefits of Socialism and we were the forward thinking crowd. But we never blew anything up. we never shot nobody.

i'm not gullible though. Has Charlie Sheen changed for the worse ? Worse maybe, but he's been doing drugs for years. Lindsey probably shoplifted when she was young; psychologists say that's when it starts, at a young age.

Did celebrities commit less crimes 10-20 years ago then they do now ? More than likely not. Are more of them getting caught on cell phone cam ? Yup. Are more of them being put on tv when they screw up ? Yup.

Have I changed for the worse ? Well...... idk. Have you ?

Monday, March 8, 2010

What Would I Say?

Why is it so hard? That's what I don't understand.

Some people call me gullible. Sometimes, I think that because I grew up on a farm it's easy for me to get confused by these city folk, who do things differently. Country life is honest and hard working. My dad once said you have to be honest in the country or someone might get hurt. or dead.

At work, Why don't they just tell you what they want done? Why don't they want to pay you for a hard, honest day's work? You do everything they tell you, but they're still unhappy.

At home, why can't I just come home and relax? Why does everything have to be done right now? The dishes can wait. The trash can wait.

We have developed the latest technology, so that we have to do the minimum amount of work every day, and yet some people still believe we have to be busy doing work 110% of the time ! I certainly don't. I'm writing my blog, and yet there's a spellcheck feature. Really? I'm writing absolute drivel, and yet it needs to be spelled correctly? That's what we're about ? Unbelievable !

I think of the Hero/Villain in the Bourne movies, when he says "Look at what we give."

I'm tired. I work all day, then I have to put in extra time to make sure I get paid for the amount of time I put in. I get home and my wife wants me to work more, Weekdays and Weekends ! Which is really bad, because I'm trying to get work done ! I'm trying to update my webpage and do research for my other blog,( ), update my laptop, backup my hard drive on my desktop, and burn some dvd's.

Playing is such hard work these days. After working at home and at work, you have about 2 hours left to watch a movie or something. You really don't have time to watch a movie and go out to eat ! as if you had enough Money to do that anyway..........